June 2, 2022
2022 Mosquito Spraying Begins Utah County Provides Web-Based Maps of Daily Mosquito Spraying
(Provo, UT) — Utah County Health Department’s Mosquito Abatement District has begun spraying for mosquitoes. Spraying by truck begins this week, with trucks going out Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights.
Surveillance trapping last week indicated there are several areas in the county that exceeded thresholds. “The threshold for beginning spraying is based on both mosquito trap results and requests,” says Mosquito Abatement Director Dan Miller. “We will start spraying by air when our traps and surveillance indicate it is appropriate to begin so.”
Residents can request assistance from the Mosquito Abatement District for mosquito concerns or problems they are experiencing. Assistance can be requested by calling 801-851-7637 or filling out a service request form online at: health.utahcounty.gov/mosquito-abatement/service-request/.
Miller notes that as Utah County has experienced above average moisture in the last few weeks, increased mosquito presence is highly likely. “It is important that people know they can do a lot on their own to protect themselves and their property from mosquitoes. Especially removing standing water like you find in tires, buckets and kids’ pools.”
The public can now see the areas of the county to sprayed on the day of spraying. The web based map can be seen at: bit.ly/UtahCountyMosquitoSpraying .
Mosquitoes are controlled by larval control in shallow stagnant water, Ultra Low Volume (ULV) spraying from trucks and in emergency situations by airplane. ULV spray machines are mounted in the beds of trucks, which are assigned throughout the county. “Spraying is only effective when the air is cool and wind speeds are less than 5 mph,” says Miller. “The best time to spray is when there is high mosquito activity, the weather conditions are right, and between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m.” The insecticide sprays used contain the active ingredient, etofenprox. Insecticide sprays being used are labeled safe for use in residential, industrial, parks, playgrounds, roadsides, athletic fields, golf courses, etc., when applied properly.
Questions concerning mosquito abatement activities should be directed to the Utah County Mosquito Abatement District at 801-851-7637. Media questions should be directed to Aislynn Tolman-Hill, at 833-824-3746 (833UCHDPIO) or AislynnT@utahcounty.gov