As of January 22, 2024 all card payments will have an additional 2.65% fee applied; paid by customer, minimum of $1.50
Effective January 2, 2024, if you are here for a travel consultation and/or travel vaccines, there will be a travel fee of $50 for each adult age 18+ and $25 for each child ages 0-17
Hours and Locations
Provo Clinic
151 South University Avenue Suite 1900
Provo UT, 84601
Phone: 801-851-7025
We are a walk-in clinic. Wait times may vary. No appointments.
Monday, Tuesday, and Friday: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Thursday: 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Travel vaccines and information will only be offered until 3 PM except on Wednesday until 5 PM
Note: No TB skin tests will be done on Wednesdays after 4 PM or all day on Thursdays.
American Fork Clinic
599 South 500 East
American Fork, UT 84003
Phone: 801-851-7331
Enter the parking lot from the South side off of 620 South across from Taco Bell
The entrance door to the building is on the West side across from Carl’s Jr at the top of the stairs
Note- the former street entrance on the west side off of 500 E has been closed by UDOT
Get Directions
We are a walk-in clinic. Wait times may vary. No appointments.
Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Travel vaccines and information will only be offered until 3 PM
Note: No TB skin tests will be done on Wednesdays after 4 PM or all day on Thursdays
Payson Clinic
285 North 1250 East, 3rd floor
(in Wasatch Mental Health Building)
Payson, UT 84651
Phone: 801-851-7351
We are a walk-in clinic. Wait times may vary. No appointments.
Monday – Friday 8:00 – 11:30 a.m., and 1:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Travel vaccines and information will only be offered 8:00-10:00AM and 1:00-3:00 PM.
Note: No TB skin tests will be done on Wednesdays after 4 PM or all day on Thursdays
Cholera vaccine and Rabies vaccine are not offered in the Payson Clinic
Flu Shots

Flu vaccine is now available; given during normal clinic hours.

Children’s Immunizations
- All routine preventive vaccines are available for infants and older, including kindergarten, 7th grade, and older
- Click here for Hours and Locations
- See what are the recommended vaccines for your child:
Vaccines for Children program (VFC)
Provides vaccines for uninsured or otherwise qualified children age 18 and younger. The vaccines are provided at no cost, but an administration fee is charged.
For children who are under-insured (i.e.-they have insurance, but it does not cover vaccines: foreign exchange students, catastrophic insurance), we encourage you to go to Mountainlands Community Health Center in Provo.
For Information regarding the VFC program:
CDC VFC Program information
Utah Department of Health
Information for parents
- If you would like to obtain a personal or religious immunization exemption for your child, please go to the following website and complete the immunization exemption module:
- If you need a medical immunization exemption you will also need to complete the immunization exemption module at the link above and obtain a written notice signed by a licensed healthcare provider.
- After completing the immunization exemption module, your immunization exemption certificate will be sent to the email address you provide. You will need to print the certificate and provide it to your child’s school at registration.
Newborn Screening (PKU)
The state of Utah requires Newborn Screening tests. Please click on the link button below for more information.
Adult Immunizations
- We have routine immunizations available. See which vaccines are recommended for you:
What vaccines do I need?
You may reach our Billing Office at 801-851-7042
2025 Office Closed for Holidays
- New Year’s Day January 1
- Martin Luther King Day January 20
- President’s Day February 17
- Memorial Day May 26
- Juneteenth Day June 16 (recognized)
- Independence Day July 4
- Pioneer Day July 24
- Labor Day September 1
- Veteran’s Day November 11
- Thanksgiving Day November 27
- Day after Thanksgiving November 28
- Day before Christmas December 24
- Christmas Day December 25
To request a copy of your immunization records:
If you had your vaccinations done at the Utah County Health Department clinic, you may request a record by printing and completing this form. If you had your vaccinations from any other provider in Utah, it may have been put into the Utah State Immunization Information System. Not all immunizing providers in Utah submit information to USIIS, so there is a chance this database may not contain a complete record. Because of this, we cannot guarantee a record is complete if we print your record from the Utah state database.
Immunization Check-in Forms
Immunization check-in forms are being updated and are not currently available online.