How Do I Find My Records?
How Do I Find My Records?
If you had your vaccinations done at the Utah County Health Department clinic, you may request a record by printing and completing this form:
This form can be brought to one of our locations in person for immediate printing of the record. Follow the instructions on the form for emailing or sending a FAX for your record. This may take up to 3 business days.
- If you had your vaccinations from any other provider in Utah, it may have been put into the Utah State Immunization Information System. Not all immunizing providers in Utah submit information to Usiis, so there is a chance this database may not contain a complete record. Because of this, we cannot guarantee a record is complete if we print your record from the Utah state database.
- You may be able to see your record on the Utah database by using the Docket app.
- If you were recently enrolled in a school (elementary-high school) you may be able to get your record from the school registrar.
- If you received your vaccines in another state, or if your were vaccinated more than 10-15 years ago, you will need to contact the provider who administered your vaccinations.
- Other resources to help you in your search for records: