Make an Appointment

Any kind of appointment can be made the following ways:
- Call or text: 801-851-7300
What to Bring
- ID
- INFANTS: Birth certificate, Medicaid card, passport, crib card, hospital bracelet, immunization record, hospital document, or letter from medical provider
- CHILDREN 1-5: Birth certificate, active Medicaid card or passport
- WOMEN: current, non-expired Driver’s license (any state), state ID card, active Medicaid card, birth certificate, passport, military, school or work ID, Court document, Tribal ID card, Voter ID card, Foreign Government ID Card/Consular ID, Permanent Resident (Green) card, Dept. of Homeland Security Document, Consular Report of Birth Abroad
- Social Security Cards are not used by WIC for identification purposes.
- Address. This is to verify you live in Utah County.
- Any current bill with current street address from the last 30 days. No PO boxes.
- Rental or mortgage agreement.
- Letter from government agency dated in the last 30 days.
- Income
- If you are pregnant and have Medicaid, all those applying for WIC will qualify. Bring your active Medicaid card or benefits letter.
- If your baby has Medicaid, all those applying for WIC will qualify. Bring your active Medicaid card or benefits letter.
- If your child has Medicaid, he/she will qualify only themselves for WIC. Bring your active Medicaid card or benefits letter.
- If you received Food Stamps/SNAP, all those applying for WIC will qualify. Bring your Letter of Benefits or show MyCase on your phone or device at your application appointment.
- If you are employed, bring documentation such as paycheck stubs showing the income for each member of the household for the last 30 days. If pay is weekly, bring the previous 4 paycheck stubs. For bi-weekly or twice-monthly pay periods, bring the previous 2 paycheck stubs. For monthly income, bring the last paycheck stub.
- If your income is seasonal or fluctuates throughout the year you may bring your most recent tax return and your paycheck stubs for the last 30 days.
- If you are self-employed, bring your business accounting records for the last 30 days or you may bring your most recent tax return if income has not changed since its filing.
- Social security income, unemployment benefits and child support received also counts as income. Please bring documentation such as a benefit letter, court documentation, or bank statement.
- Student loans do not count as income.
- There is no waiting period following loss of employment. Bring the final paycheck stub.
WIC Orientation Video
- Do I need to bring my children?
- At growth checks and certification appointments, children must attend for measurements unless a medical provider has declared them unable to leave the home. In this circumstance, current measurements can be brought from the medical provider. The forms for health data referral measurements can be found here. For food changes or class, children are not required to attend but are always welcome at the WIC clinic.
- What if I lost my eWIC card?
- Please call or text your WIC clinic as soon as you think you may have lost your eWIC card. Unused WIC benefits can be replaced following a three day wait period. You will need to make an appointment to bring your ID to the WIC clinic to receive a replacement card.
- Can I allow someone else to use my WIC card?
- The Utah WIC Program allows for a single additional guardian and up to two proxies. An additional guardian for the children has all the same rights and responsibilities as the original endorser. A proxy may attend class appointments or use the eWIC card at the grocery store. Either can be added without an appointment by visiting your local WIC clinic during regular business hours. Please bring current ID for both parties.
- Can someone else bring my children to the appointment?
- Only guardians may attend certification and follow-up appointments with children. In certain circumstances, the state office can approve other arrangements. Please call your local WIC clinic if you need to discuss these arrangements.