Health Promotion Internships
We are currently not offering any internship opportunities, except for the Wellness Clinic (see below)
Please check back in Summer of 2023 for Health Promotion Internships
Learn More About Health Promotion Programs

Tobacco Prevention and Control
Possible intern responsibilities include:
- Serve as a mentor to OUTRAGE! youth as they engage in advocacy work at the Capitol
- Assist with retailer permit process
- Teach community classes, including Dimensions, youth classes, etc.
- Develop and distribute retailer education materials
- Assist in analyzing evaluations of Dimensions courses
- Plan and implement Baby Steps social media campaign
- Evaluate Baby Steps, including the effectiveness of a referral process with healthcare providers
- Assist with recruiting youth into OUTRAGE!

Injury Prevention & Environmental Health
Possible intern responsibilities include:
- Develop social media content
- Present to various public groups about poison prevention
- Serve as a scribe during car seat checks
- Assist with asthma home visit assessments and education
Chronic Disease Prevention & Worksite Wellness

Possible intern responsibilities include:
- Conduct surveys and interviews for various assessments, such as walkability or food service nutrition guidelines
- Collaborate with primary care clinics to develop policies that better utilize quality measures in chronic care management
- Work with schools to strengthen wellness policies and develop safe walking/biking routes for students
- Advertise classes and workshops at community health fairs
- Recruit participants into lifestyle modification/self-management workshops
- Plan and promote employee “lunch and learn” presentations
- Create a quarterly employee newsletter
- Assist with planning, promoting and implementing employee wellness challenges

Public Information and Communication
Possible intern responsibilities include:
- Create social media content for a variety of platforms
- Assist with coordinating department communications calendar
- Shadow and assist with media interviews and public speaking engagements

Wellness Clinic
This internship is housed within the Community Health (Nursing) Division and requires interns to be bilingual in Spanish and English
Possible intern responsibilities include:
- Provide health coaching and information about healthy lifestyles directly to clients
- Conduct community outreach at health fairs and events
To apply for a Public Health Volunteer opportunity or Internship with our Heath Department at the Wellness Clinic, please visit the Utah County Health Department Job Opportunity page here.