Community Classes & Trainings

Car Seat Education Class
Car seat classes offered in English and Spanish available in-person or virtual.
English Car Seat Class Instructions
Car seat education classes are offered in English on:
- 3rd Thursday at 5pm of every month except July (IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE)
- Location: 151 S. University Avenue, Provo, 2nd floor, room 2601
- 4th Monday of every month at 1pm except July* (VIRTUAL ATTENDANCE)
- *July’s virtual class will be the 3rd Thursday at 1pm
Pre-registration is required. Complete the registration form by selecting the date of the class you plan to attend.
On the day of the virtual class, return to this website and follow the directions below:
You MUST click the link below and participate in the video segment to receive credit for the class. If you don’t have audio available on your video you can also join in by calling: +1-415-655-0001 include meeting # listed . For further information, call 801-851-7513. For help in Spanish call 801-851-7528.
Class materials for reference

E.A.S.Y. Program | Eliminate Alcohol Sales to Youth
Off-Premise Alcohol Retailer
State law requires training in the E.A.S.Y Program for each store employee that sells alcohol or directly supervises the sale of alcohol for off-premise consumption (i.e. gas stations, convenient stores, grocery stores). This training must be done before an individual begins to work as staff of an off-premise beer retailer. After participating in an E.A.S.Y training, retailers will receive an off-premise certification which must be renewed every 3 years (effective May 3, 2023).
Alcohol License Information
For information about Utah alcohol licenses, or to apply, you will need to contact the Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Services. Utah County Health Department does NOT issue alcohol licenses.
Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Services
Living Well Workshops
Living Well with Diabetes
Free 6-week workshop to help people with type 2 diabetes better manage their health. Family and friends of those with diabetes also are encouraged to attend. This class is also offered in Spanish as Manejo Personal de la Diabetes. For more information –call (801) 851-7528 or register for a class here.
Living Well with Chronic Pain
Free 6-week interactive workshop to help individuals better manage symptoms related to their chronic pain. Free book and CD provided.
To register for a class, call 801-851-7528 or register online here.

Opioid Overdose Prevention & Naloxone Training
The Utah County Health Department offers FREE naloxone training and naloxone kits. Naloxone (also known as Narcan) is a safe medication that can reverse an opioid overdose.
To schedule a class or walk-in appointment, email or call 801-851-7095
You can also check for ongoing trainings here at

QPR: Question Persuade, Refer
While suicide is a major public health problem, there are ways to help! QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) teaches you how to become a gatekeeper to prevent suicide. You will learn how to recognize the warning signs and what you can do to help. Everyone plays a part in suicide prevention and can offer hope to those who are struggling. If you or someone you know are having suicidal thoughts, please get help immediately. Call the National Suicide Prevention line at 988. To schedule a QPR or find one near you, call 801-851-7068.

Safe Routes Utah School Assembly
The Safe Routes Utah Beat the Street assembly is a free, 30-minute program about walking and biking to school safely. It is available statewide to students in 1st, 2nd, & 3rd grades. This dynamic, educational presentation teaches students about the importance of traffic signs, signal lights, crossing the road and helmet use. To request a presentation in Utah County, go to Safe Routes Utah to register.

Stepping On: Falls Prevention for Older Adults
Free 7-week program that helps reduce your risk of falling for those age 65 and older. Register here or by calling 801-851-7528.

Suicide Prevention in the Workplace
Suicide is a major public health problem and our highest rates are working adults. Working Minds trains organizations to proactively address the early warning signs of suicide in the workplace. Organizations help employees address physical health in their policies, but mental health isn’t as often included. This training will educate and equip businesses with tools to address mental health and suicide concerns within the workplace. To schedule a training, call 801-851-7068.

Tobacco Cessation Training for Healthcare Providers
Evidence indicates that patients are more likely to quit tobacco when healthcare providers are involved. This training provides techniques that can be used in a clinical setting to discuss tobacco use (including vaping) with patients. Contact 801-851-7082 to schedule a training.

Tobacco Prevention Presentation for School Administrators
The Tobacco Prevention and Control Program staff are available to provide information about tobacco products (including vaping), health effects of tobacco use, and how teachers and administrators can talk to youth about the dangers of vaping. Staff can also assist schools with updating tobacco policies. For assistance, contact 801-851-7094.

National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP)
Prevent T2 is a one-year lifestyle change program for people that have been diagnosed with prediabetes that helps them make real lifestyle changes such as eating healthier, increasing physical activity, and improving problem-solving skills.
Participants meet 24 times over the course of a year with a trained lifestyle coach and a small group of individuals working towards the same goals of preventing type 2 diabetes.
Qualifications to participate:
a) Have a BMI greater than 25
b) 18 years old or older
c) Have an A1c of 5.7-6.4 or fasting glucose between 100-125
or score 5 or more on this risk assessment.
Cost of class: $250 with $100 reimbursement upon completion of program
- Now accepting Medicare and Medicaid.
For more information about Prevent T2 Lifestyle Change Program:
Call 801-851-7014 or register online here.
For help in Spanish please call: 801-851-7528.