Services Offered

Car Seat Inspection
Schedule a free car seat inspection/installation appointment by calling 801-851-7513.
Appointments available in-person or virtual.
Plan for approximately 30 minutes for the first seat and an additional 15 minutes for any additional seats.
Inspection Station Locations:
We will check to ensure your seat is safe to use and installed correctly and your child is harnessed correctly.

Tobacco Cessation
The state of Utah provides free cessation services to individuals struggling with tobacco and nicotine dependence.
Click the images below to learn more and get the help you deserve.

Free Healthcare Provider Training and Resources
The Utah County Health Department offers training available for doctors, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, dental hygienists, and all other clinic staff about how to quickly and effectively help patients to quit using tobacco. We offer free “Quit Kit” water bottles* to healthcare provider staff to give to clients as they are enrolled in Way to Quit to help as they embark on their quit journey. To schedule a training, call 801-851-7082.
*While supplies last. Contains a water bottle, Dum Dum suckers, Fireball candy, gum, straws and toothpicks to use to help people get through their urges to use tobacco. English and Spanish supplies available.