Service Request or No Spray Request
We have reach the end of our mosquito spraying season. Thanks for reaching out to us in the past. We will begin treating for mosquitoes in June of 2025 depending upon weather conditions and surveillance data.

Spraying typically happens on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings after sundown. No spraying on weekends or holidays.
Homeowner Associations & Neighborhood Groups
Homeowners Associations (HOAs)/ neighborhood groups: please limit the request for service to one contact person. We will inspect and treat the area with this one submission. Multiple requests from the same area does not accelerate the response; it has the opposite effect by adding additional work to staff. We strive to respond to your needs within one working day ( Monday – Thursday) of the request. Thank you for reaching out, your feedback is appreciated.
Mosquito or Midge Fly?
The services provided only help with mosquitos. Midge flies are a nuisance and common in Utah County and around Utah Lake.